The Passage

One thing on my bucket list was to do a passage, especially a night passage. For those who don't know, in the yacht cruising world, a trip between islands, or any travel of duration is called a passage.

The desire to be at sea on a small (42 foot) boat, out of touch with the world appealed to me. I longed to hear the creaking of the boat, the sea leg balancing act, and the freedom knowing I was in a place that no one else was seeing. It's like camping in the middle of the ocean.

One cannot willie nillie take off to the sea without preparation, planning, and weather watching.

My friend Ken faced a long passage of 30 plus hours traveling between Antigua and St Croix. Ken was on his way from Grenada to St Thomas to catch a plane to Boston to meet up with his wife, Vicki.

So I, along with our friend Steve joined Ken on the 32 hour voyage.


Connecting the Dots

Rarely does adventure present itself, especially at my age. Mostly my very active life is down to golf and scuba diving.

Since the back surgeries I've taken it easy. Not my chosen lifestyle, but necessary as I try to preserve joints, aches, and pains. Healing from some foolishness takes way too long.

The opportunity has presented itself for me and a couple of pals to make an open water passage of 105 miles from Antigua to St Croix. Two days sailing.

This has been a bucket list item that frankly, I doubted I'd ever do. But next week, if the stars align, I'll be making said trip.

There's a lot of last minute prep for me. I just can't up and walk off without making plans.



I first met Richad in 2003. He was a pan handler on St Croix and a regular fixture. He was also a friendly person and a notorious abuser of drugs.

Richard in 2008.

The last time I saw Richard was 2013. He was withdrawn, angry, and looked worse than ever. I assumed he was dead.

Richard 2016.

Flash forward a few years and it's obvious Richard has had some rehab, and dental work.

I wish him well.


This Isn't Like Me

At the store yesterday I was craving some Guinness. The kind in the tall can with the nitrogen injector that puts out the smoothest and best foam. So good. Tastes like a beer milk shake.

Along with that I picked up a six pack of local craft brew Copper. So good.

This after finishing a six pack of Anchor Steam last week.

The six pack of light beer sits.

Its That Time of Year

I love a great Anchor Steam beer. The pride of San Francisco. This craft beer was the Grand daddy of all craft beers. Sam Adams is a Johnny come lately along with a few thousand more. Winter is my favorite time for a full body beer.

This time of year I begin stalking the nonstop flight to St Croix. I hope to meet my pal Ken there as he stops by on his cruiser.


Happy 2016

The essence of me.



Wishing everyone a joyful year.