I really like women...a lot. Heck I married one.
But the more I am around them the more I conclude that they can be as unpredictable as a bear. Logic takes a back seat to feelings.
Logic is universal and feelings are personal.
In a woman's world the vale to their feelings is transparent. One must simply gaze upon their countenance to see the obvious.
Men of course only see flesh and blood and a confused human that is no longer acting normal within one or two standard deviations of what is usually the range or normal behavior.
I know you must be thinking that there are some issues in the Wreggie household now for me to be writing this. No....it is not the case.
But I can feel a crack in the force that usually precedes the "how could you not have known" syndrome.
There is no way known to man to head it off. I must let the system form (feelings) like a tropical storm and deal with the consequences and cleanup.
Hopefully the system will downgrade and move off to sea.