
Today I rented the side blower walk behind. It was a new and much lighter version of the blower I have rented for years.

This new one has an air nozzle that can be pointed on the fly as I blow leaves giving me the ability to control the wall of leaves as I go.

I always wait until after Thanks giving to bring out the big guns. Once I assault the masses then I'll finish with the back mounted blower.

Been Enjoying the Pet Squirrel

She follows me most everywhere.

She eats what I give her.

She anticipates my moves.

She waits for me to finish a chore.

She get rewarded with horse grain which she loves.

I do worry about owls and Hawks.

My Favorite Holiday

Thanksgiving...four days off.

Food, football, and naps.

Friends, family....

I'm not cooking today but enjoy the challenge.

I Knew it Would a Happen

I dreamed I forgot a tailgate Sunday. Totally unprepared and I slept in too. It was 10 am and I'd not even thought about shopping yet and usually the food is on the table at 10.

It was a major panic.

On my Mind

I don't get why people get all joyful when someone publicly says they are gay. That emotion was never installed in me. Okay, call someone who gives a shit.

Again, no opinion, just no nerve endings here to give a shit either way. No dog in the fight.

I feel the same about gay marriage. No joy here any more than picking out peaches at the farmers market.

Sorry but enough of my time has been wasted on this.

There is nothing better than a human relationship, bonding, love, dedication and caring. Sex is great too. It spans the universe. Stop being so damn specific please.

Yellow Boys

Yes, yellow boys are set for another trip to the Caribbean. I figure yellow boys are close to logging 100,000 miles.

I found them in the camper the other day from my last dive trip in late May. They are my favorite swim trunks with perhaps a hundred dives logged.

The Last Gizzard

July 17, 2007. Prices Chicken Coop in the office. I need to go again.

You Do, or You Don't

There is no in between. You are an oyster eater or your not.

I am an oyster eater. My father encouraged me and I took right to them. I'll eat them raw, steamed or stewed. I ate fried oysters the other day.

We are in the peak of the season and I'm loving oysters.

I am not a fan of Pacific oysters, they are too big. I avoid Gulf oysters because they have to process the waste water from ⅓ of the United States via the Mississippi River.

From New York to North Carolina are the best oysters. NC oysters are very small and salty but fantastic. Virginia's Chesapeake' are legendary. New York's blue points are the stuff of fine dining.

Thank you Earth and our creator for oysters.

These Grown Men Should be Ashamed

Close to the Edge

I'm not sure how to describe this.

From 35 to 55, I'm no longer a kid. I am deep in a career. I enjoy the daily grind.

Somewhere after 55, well it's different. More uncertainties like when I was 25 to 35.

It is unsettling.

This Is Real

I've been here many times. It looks like a post card. It feels like heaven.

77 days.

First class tickets this time and a Ford Taurus rental car.....luxury for Centerline car rental. I'm staying on the beach.....waves at night.

My Mom and Dad

Mom is alive and well at 90. My father made it to 61. Damn cigarettes.

They were so young and hopeful. Raised three kids in a good home. I'd say that was success.

Messing With the New Girl

80 Days

Hanging at Cane Bay Beach. Superb diving. Plenty of beach bars to off gas.

Beautiful sunsets.

Or stick around in town and have a few drinks.

Star Trek 67

Obama plays Spock.

This Day in History

One year ago I was cooking country ham outdoors in South Georgia.

Nurshing Homes

You never see these people in public because they are in nursing homes, on deck to die.

They wait. They eat. They poop. They sleep. Then they do it all over again until something in their body stops. Then they die.

Their mind has long since moved out. Yet the body survives.

And so that was our visit today.

I Don't Much Care for November

Leaves....everywhere. Shit falling daily and it must be dealt with.

It's dark. Gloomy.

The football and food is good. Heavier foods make their way to me and I dream of pie.

The business year is winding down and I start thinking about taxes.

I do sleep very well in November.

You figure it Out

A dunking booth on the boardwalk?

I Voted

I forced myself this time. I really am so disgusted with our federal, state, and local government that I hesitated. But in the end, I voted.

Over the years three guys that I was passionate about won. The rest, I just held my nose and voted.

Award of Excellence

The annual Duke Hunnicutt Poultry Institutes Award of Excellence for 2014.

A dedicated individual engaged fine outdoor cooking. Here we see his footman tending to the dinner fire.

A typical supper for this individual. Built from potatoes, chicken, and fire.

After the fire roasting and required resting.

And this years winner is.......Phfrankie Bondo.

Fingers - On Getting Old

Over the years, what were nimble fingers have become swollen, wrinkled, sausages.

And so, a ring size up last week was a great relief. It identifies me as taken, and it is much more comfortable and noticeable.

This is Way Cool

This is a still from the drone video over our tailgate setup.

We have been at capacity more than once this year.