You was good to be back at the
tailgate site last night and good to be back in the stadium watching football.
But preseason in general sucks. It was very hot. The fans are very casual football fans that don't understand the game like regular season fans. (don't scream while our offense is on the field) But again the grills were
smoking and the laughs were many.

This week will be abbreviated for me. On Wednesday I put Margaret on the plane at 6 AM to return to St Croix. We have enjoyed her visit. She is a good house guest. Then I will get on board at 12:30 PM to the same destination for a week of island time.
Originally Gigi and I planned to go and have a romantic week and renew our vows...but it turned out that the fellow that was to do the vows was called away on personal matters. Gigi being the home body decided to stay back and I asked a friend Ty if he would like to go instead and enjoy the island. I didn't want to waste the air miles.
Now I am going to have a gay-cation as my office assistant has called it.
While I'm down I plan to install a webcam and two exhaust vents at the Pickled Greek. I hope to do some massive snorkeling...maybe turtle watching, college football watching, hiking, perhaps boating, and who knows what along with the occasional stop at an open air bar to sip a Caribe with lime and stare at the blue ocean.
Today I need to catch up on man chores like grass cutting and such and unpack from tailgating.