Anyone with basic knowledge of iPhone tracking would recognize this as Anchorage Alaska's airport. My new phone is fresh in from Shanghai China, and is sitting on a cold, lonely pallet in Anchorage.
Meanwhile, I have been busy here preparing the nursery for the new arrival.
Some people misinterpret me. I am one that likes to be upbeat, have fun, be silly, and prefer subjects of discussion to be light hearted. There is enough negative and evil in the world to go around, and I prefer not to dwell upon it.
This comes off to some as me being an unrealistic goofball, and I am discounted. I have even been told that it is not normal to be happy all the time. And sometimes the bad wins and I go into a spell of depression that passes in time. But 90% of the time I am upbeat and I strive to stay there even if it is an unnatural place to the outside observer.
So it came as a welcomed compliment the other day when a friend called and asked if I would be willing to be a reference on their resume.
"I would be honored", I said, and meant it.
They could see through my outward persona and they knew me as I really am. They respected me professionally, socially, even though they were aware of my faults, they trusted that I would represent them fairly to a perspective employer.
In a small way it validated me in a world of negatives. At least I'm my mind.
When the end of the world comes and all the satellites are blown away, someone's going to be watching free tv.
I can pick up 21 over the air stations with this bad boy. When mounted on the roof and properly aimed, I'm seeking two more. Fox and CBS broadcast towers are a fir piece from me. This should dial them in.
The nice thing about these antennas is you either get a perfect HD signal or none at all. No more snowy pictures of yesteryear.
This antenna was on sale for $29. Regular price was $59.
25 years ago hurricane Hugo began a two day visit on St Croix. It left the island looking like the surface of the moon. By the 21st Hugo visited my home in North Carolina.
Facebook Won’t Budge On Letting Drag Queens Keep Their Names
The saying that the rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer.
Of course dumb ass.
The rich are going to continue to do the behavior that makes them prosper. Likewise, the poor will continue to perpetuate the behavior that makes them down trodden.
The saying is just babble of the poor to point out their victim status.
Pop ups on web pages trying to sell shit that is about as subtle as relaxing on a Mexican resort and suddenly being disturbed by a kid begging for money, or someone hawking silver jewelry. Go away!
Second, web sites assuming they are doing me a favor rendering content in some special iPad format. Just give me the content in my browser like everyone else please.
Worst offender in both categories is The Bleacher Report.
It was time to give the deck another coating of Cabot, Australian Timber Oil. I love the rich color. This is the same stuff the tailgate trailer is coated with.
It really repels water.
The only problem is it will be slick as a puppy's peter when we get ice. But, that's ice.
Before I die, or maybe this season, I want to do a whole pig. I hear the skin is to die for. The problem is the time involved. It is a very long cook that demands attention. Rooter to tooter it's all good.
Or perhaps a big beef brisket? That would be good too. A Texas pal told me it's about like a pork shoulder.
Today, or rather this weekend is the first full weekend of college and nfl football. Naturally, I planned to spend a great deal of time in the screen room...duh.
As I went in mid morning to freshen up, I saw the lower center panel had been completely destroyed. Tanner.
Amassing all the creative fixit I could muster I repaired said screen in time for the first game.
Not in my eight plus years of blogging have I been so slack. Oh I've been blogging, but not here.
I'm reaching my peak with and the twitter account @tailgateextreme, plus the Facebook page ExtremeTailgate to keep me occupied.
Then there is work. Then there is a medical issue that has been haunting me that I haven't discussed.
Like my dear mother who will be 90 in October, I have hypertension. Every 4 to 5 years it will rage higher to unbelievable levels. 184 over 120 I'm talking about. Crazy levels. Dangerous levels.
So then we must find the next mix of drugs that reduces blood pressure, has acceptable side effects, and then I need to get used to it.
I think after a few weeks I'm onto a calcium blocker that has dropped my pressure to 117 over 77, it makes me a bit tired, but other than that I'm ok and my manly stuff functions if you know what I mean.
I headed out to work this morning and a big old bull squirrel is standing at the apex of my man room, mission control, the football situation room. In squirrel talk he's screaming, "Panthers are a Lock!"
So I take it under advisement. Then as I pulled into my parking lot...bam! A big cat skin is draped over the bush. Another revelation.
Today marks 38 years since the great sleep where I stayed in bed completely well, yet slept for three days.
You see, I ditched college in my second year to explore the world. I joined a ragtag group of guys and we built railroad tracks. We traveled the southeast and built small tracks called spurs.
The work was difficult. Every day I ached. We worked from sun up to sundown and everything was heavy. Just the tools were 45 pounds each.
After about six weeks on the job it became Labor Day and I was as Far East in NC as you can get, Plymouth, NC, home of Catfish Hunter.
After six weeks I was exhausted. I had a room in a cheap motel with a black and white TV and AC.
All of Saturday I slept. Saturday night I went to the bathroom and ate a bag of burgers. I woke Sunday to eat mid morning. I woke Monday to watch a little Jerry Lewis Telethon and napped all day and slept all Monday night.
Border Collie guy, Wine guy, Weber grill guy, Manned Space Travel Guy, Believer, Gentleman Farmer, Go Apps! guy, Husband to the best wife. I'm a lucky guy.