Gigi and I have discovered that yes we can both cough all night and still get 8 hours plus of sleep.
Last night around 1:30 AM, we now call this time intermission, we both woke in a big old coughing jag.
Gigi headed for the shower to get some steam for her congested chest and I took care of matters the old fashioned way by doing a shot of Nyquil.
Soon I was lying in a twilight haze thinking about how much I like bacon and isn’t gravity handy? Why I just took a sip of bottled water and set it down on my side table and the bottle didn’t float away!
I need to ask my bartender to work on some Nyquil drinks.
You may wonder why we haven’t been to the doctor. You see as you turn 50ish the doctor makes you come in to his office before he’ll dispense with his goodies. He’s afraid you’ll die and he’ll be on the hook for a big malpractice lawsuit if he just call in something.
If I felt good I might go in, but then who would need him.