
Having spent most of the afternoon and evening watching football, and eating snacks, and washing it down with beer, it was inevitable that I would be thirsty in the night.

I took a bottle of water to bed and had a few swigs in the night. When I woke, I leaned over for another drink, when a thought came through the old mind.

I wonder just how many people and things have used this same water over the ages to quench their thirst?

It is mind boggling when you consider where that bottle of water has been.

I Almost Forgot

Six weeks and I will be on the island. I am starting my mental check list and I slip on my ratty old flip flops from summer.

So I go on eBay and find these bad boys...Rasta and all. They are mine. I'll be the only white boy on the island with new reef Rasta flip flops.

I Learn Every Day

© 2012 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.

I am Doctor Death

Check out this bad boy. A 6 point special made spear tip.

Added was a bayonet to stab, kill, and remove lion fish quickly and safely.

The Fiscal Cliff

What it means to me?

If we go over the cliff, we revert back to Clinton tax rates. Everyone seemed to love Clinton, so what is the problem? It was good then….it should be good now. Everyone should have to pay taxes.

If we go over the cliff, we pay more taxes. Democrats want more taxes, so what is the problem? Everyone should share in the national joy and pride of paying taxes no matter how small your income is.

If we go over the cliff, there will be major spending cuts in the federal budgets. Republicans want big spending curs, so what is the problem?  The budget is too bloated with entitlements now. Room has to be made to accommodate the affordable health care act. It is law, and we have to get the funding from somewhere.  

If we go over the cliff, unemployment benefits for those who have been on unemployment benefits for 2 plus years will stop. So what is wrong with that? These people clearly are in the wrong industry or location to find work. There is work to be done and we know what level of income it takes to sustain them, from looking at their last two years of benefits.  

If we go over the cliff, we will stop rewarding the underachievers and unsuccessful behavior that so many Americans enjoy.

If we go over the cliff, we stop punishing successful behavior. Everyone shares in their success and failure of our economy and national interests.

If we go over the cliff, it will be the reality of the last 12 years coming to fruition. 

© 2012 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.

Groceries and Stuff

I have never been to Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, or Colorado. I need to get on with it if I am going to visit. I don't pine much to go to Utah or some of the Great Plains square states. I am sure they are nice too.

Gigi is wanting to go to Europe so that is on the list too.

Now on to groceries....I had a list today and the last item on the list was toilet paper...how appropriate.

When I was leaving the market I noticed that people go barely through the door, and then pause to get their bearings. People, the the hell out of the door and clear a pathway so I can get on with my life too. Same thing for elevators.

Can you tell I worked today?

Man I've Been Sleeping Good!

You Make Up the Caption

God's speed John Glen.

Morning Sunrise

It is a beautiful morning on St. Croix. It is 82 with a steady breeze.

But my mind sees more than you think.

The apaca-lips

One Other Thing

I do not like bloopers at all. Not funny.

Why is it assumed to be funny to watch someone being paid to act, to screw up their lines over and over again.

I do not like bloopers, curly fries or fried pickles. Or clogging. Clogging is a white mans curse.

I'm All Done

I like Christmas but the day after...I am all done.

What I do now is concentrate on side mount diving in preparation St Croix. Then on St Croix, I hope to build the skills and confidence to side mount in the rougher open waters of the NC Atlantic.

We are supposed to have an epic storm here today so I think I'll stay home and fiddle with my dive gear.

No one in Charlotte is working today except retailers. I'm not a retailer.

Christmas Breakfast

In 1592, Ezekiel Ferguson Hunnicutt single handily invented the pancake.

He found that it paired well with bacon, coffee, and orange juice.

Zeek took his invention to the New World and found great success.

Sadly, Zeek lost his life in a duel with Francis Waffle in 1613.

I salute you Zeek.

This Day in History

The Godfather of Soul Died 2006. I think this should be our national anthem. 

© 2012 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.

Merry Christmas from....

My six month old self.

YouTube Video

Another Win

Happy faces.

Old friends talking.

Good chow.

And even a heater this time.

A win makes it all better. It was a good season of tailgating.

This Could Be The Best Christmas

This is making its way to be the best Christmas in my middle aged/newly elderly life.

Gone are the endless parties and overindulgence in food and drink. Replaced are evening times quietly at home and a good nights sleep.

No traveling this year either...just me and Gigi.

Gone is her family for this year who's idea of holiday celebration is quite a bit different from most any American culture. They don't take any time outs for conflict and merrily pick apart each other like sport.

They'll be no sitting on the porch to avoid an asthma attack from cats that hate us.

Meals will be served and they will be special and well prepared.

Hugs and kisses will be sincere.

This is going to be nice.

Those Hens Just Kill Me

They went out of their way decorating this year.

I'm Happy

Got my case of wine in.

It is so cool having a vineyard name the same name as mine.

My Gift to You

© 2012 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.

Illegal Hooch

Got me a batch of french fry squeezings today. Pure wing and fry veggie oil rendered to biodiesel.

I get another 5 gallons tomorrow. Fair payment to keep a family in fresh eggs.

I Am So Proud

A dream come true in my dreams.

YouTube Video

My 2 Cents

Like many things in modern human society I refuse to play along.

Two very popular trends these days are human misery, and victimization.

I suppose people find comfort, community, and belonging in both, but I find it disgusting.

There is nothing quite like a national tragedy that feeds the misery, and reliving of the misery, for weeks and years on end. People enjoy misery I suppose.

My comment, there has to be more attention given to restraining the dangerous element in this society among the mentally ill.

The rest of the story I prefer to digest and put it behind me.

So I will not be lighting candles and piling teddy bears anywhere. Life is too short to feed the misery.

Family Times

I made this video for her:

Turns out the adults enjoyed it more than the kids.

Here is is. It is a video of Carley telling the girls about Christmas and wishing she was there. So if you've never hear a border collie with a southern accent...here you go.

YouTube Video

By the way Judy....I meant to get that talking catfish from you.

Wood Working

I just finished building this shelf for my apps. I hope I never see another sheet of sandpaper ever in my life. But it turned out well I think.

Boy Was I Shocked!

This was unexpected. By the way...he has a serious frog in his throat.

YouTube Video

The Undead

I lost another hen yesterday. She was just lying in the coop like she had killed over in her sleep.

So as usual, I remove the body and toss it on the burn pile...ah I mean gently lay it on the funeral fire so it can go on to rainbow bridge. I think they let chickens in at Rainbow Bridge.

Any how, I go out this frosty morning and the chicken is gone. The other chickens looked real spooked too.

So one can only logically assume that this chicken is undead and walks among the zombie population of our forest.

I gotta be careful up there from now on. I need to start toting my 12 gauge with me for sure.

It Is Time



I guess they are done.

My World Changed Overnight

This is my iPad Home page.

Notice the bottom row and two new icons have made it to this coveted piece of iPad real estate. Two in one night.

You see Google released Google Talk for the iPad....I can send and receive calls from my iPad. Free! It is called Talkatone.

And Google released their official Gmail App a few days ago and it is far superior to the native app. Free!

And get this.....last night while I was sleeping...Google maps was released for the iPhone.

And this added to the google search app where I can talk to the tablet and get what I need is da bomb.

I Hate a Thief Volume XIV

Son of a bitch. I bought a case of really nice Napa valley wine for the holidays.

The UPS guy delivered my case of holiday wine to the next building to an address that doesn't exists.

And the thief signed for it. And he took it and denies that he did.

Oh the wine guy is making the shipment good but still, stealing is stealing.

And the UPS guys is a dumbass.


I love a good monkey storey.

This one got loose in an Ikea store in Toronto a few days ago.

In my youth I used to be exposed to monkeys almost daily at a local, nearby zoo. I worked there part time as a child and hung around the monkeys a lot.

I miss monkeys but wouldn't have one. Dogs make much better companions.

Naughty Librarian

9th Tailgate of the Season

We crossed the 100 pound mark of wings cooked this season.

We got a definite boost with some Asian infusion. I think they will be back.

The group portrait.

An after dinner smoke. I'm not sure what that contraption is called now a days. It had some sweet blueberry tobacco in the bowl.

Then home to watch the game on TV.

But I did miss this by not being there. However it was very nice to spend the afternoon with Gigi.

Last Night at Eat@Canebay

One of my favorite hangouts at Cane Bay. My friend fell off this stage last year while sitting. It is a powerful place.  

© 2012 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.


Cinnamon is wonderful and should be used more.

Worcestershire is off the hook good too...especially Lea and Perrins.

Is there a dish that uses both flavorings? I would surely die of pleasure.

63 Sleeps Until I Reach

Cane Bay yesterday.

You can shore dive here, walk on the beach, eat at 4 local bars on the beach, sun yourself, Watch a great sunset, snorkel, have a picnic, openly drink alcoholic beverages, lay under a tree and nap, look at the mountains surrounding the bay, or just hang out and people watch.

Just off shore about 100 yards is "The Wall" which drops thousands of feet into the abyss. This make for some dramatic scuba diving. Plus shore diving is cheap.

The sand is white and there are always familiar friendly local dogs.

Excerpts from an Interview with a Whipworm

Mental Vacation - “So what are your plans for Christmas?

Whipworm - “I plan to just hang out in the large intestine.”

Mental Vacation - “Do you like Ringo?”

Whipworm - “Who?”

Mental Vacation - “Well, maybe that was before your time. So, do you have any vacation destinations on deck for the winter?”

Whipworm - “I plan on visiting the descending colon in the late winter with family.”

Mental Vacation - “Well that sounds exciting.”

Mental Vacation - "Tell me, does the thought of a chimpanzee breaking out of a zoo and attacking you, and consuming your face concern you at all?"

Whipworm - "No, I don't have a face".

Mental Vacation - "Space-X recently announced that they plan to colonize Mars in the next 20 years. Could you see yourself going to Mars?"

Whipworm - "Are there any dog intestines on Mars?"

Mental Vacation - "Well, recently scientisit have discovered what looks like traces of frozen dog intestines in ice crystal under the surface near the shady side of a crater. This could be reconstituted into a viable dog intestine by colonists."

Whipworm - "Yes, definitely I would be interested in going to Mars."

Mental Vacation - "Alright then, Thank you"

Bucket List

Before I die, I want to see and feel an active and flowing volcano. I want to feel the heat in my face and smell the horrid smells that belch from the earth. I would like to do this with a geologist who can explain everything I am seeing. Then I would have a cold beer and a cool shower.

© 2012 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.

My Back

I got roughed up here today pretty good. 

You see my back has been hurting...and I have hit my $6,000 insurance deductible. 
So I figured,  "what the heck." 

Turns out, I was snap, crackled, and popped, and got some great relief. I can do 30 more of these until the end of February when my insurance resets. 

I have set two follow ups for next week. I feel all loose. 

He popped my neck like a chicken. It was weird. 

© 2012 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.


I don't much care for onion rings. I like to smell them, and they look swell. Skinny ones, fat ones, fake ones, I have tried them all. Just not worth the calories.

But it sounds like a great idea and people seem to universally like onion rings.

Perhaps my favorite onion rings are the ones out of a can...you know like the ones old ladies put on green bean casserole. 

I will say categorically that I do not like fried pickles. No way, no how. 

But I do love a good egg salad sandwich.

© 2012 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.

Maybe Today

She has to be tired of staring at this on the ceiling. Hopefully I can bring home my banged up wife today.

She recovers so much faster at home where she can stare at a dusty ceiling fan and be cradled by border collies.

A Query

When I press one to get English, I actually get a guy in Pakistan named Keith attempting to speak English.

If I press 2 for Spanish, do I get a guy in Pakistan named Ramone attempting to speak Spanish?


A new disc today....and she smiles.

A few steps.

Like a champ.


Tomorrow is the big day...again. Gigi is going in for some followup surgery on her back.

Last year she had three discs fused and a cage built around her spine effectively giving her a rebuilt back.

But one fusion didn't take and that was the very last disc at the base of her spine. I wish we didn't have to do this but she is not fully recovered and never will be until we fix this.

We are both very nervous. There is nothing routine about back surgery.


I watch this cam daily and noticed my dive boat was missing. Normally it is right out there moored to the right of the catamaran.

Then, they posted this on Facebook. She was out getting the hull painted. Good old Reliance. They maintain this boat well. The diesel is old and stinky but the rest is in great shape. Except the toilet.

I will see your hull from below in 70 days.