Learning From my Past

I am being good....very low key and lots of rest.

A few days back before the surgery I bought a couple of older guns from someone who needed the money. They are nothing fancy, just solid firearms that have plenty of use left in them.

The 20 gauge shotgun is perfect for Gigi when copperheads and raccoons make an appearance.

I'll get a kick out of the old Remington .22 rifle for target practice.

Over the next few days I'll get them cleaned and oiled.


Rock Chef said...

Aw, it is really hard to play with guns over here...

Unknown said...

...send lawyers, guns and money....

Ken said...

20 gauge is so much fun!

MELackey said...

that reminds me that I have my Grandfather's 20ga pump from the mid 50's in my safe. I think I'll pull it out and chase a few jackrabbits at the ranch with it this weekend.