My grandfather used to insist it would be wise to pepper ones eggs first so that a contrasting background is created to more accurately measure the salt applied.
He always took the second piece of toast in a stack of toast explaining that the top piece had accumulated dust.
I never knew my father’s father. He died in the 1940’s but I remember stories told about him like he is still here.
He always took the second piece of toast in a stack of toast explaining that the top piece had accumulated dust.
I never knew my father’s father. He died in the 1940’s but I remember stories told about him like he is still here.
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I feel like I knew him too. Daddy kept him alive for us. I know he loved to sit around the table with family and talk just as Daddy did.
I happen to like dusty toast.
smart man. simple truths.
how did he feel about the top newspaper in the newspaper bin?
I don't have a good reason, but 8 out of 10 times I won't take the top one; choosing the 2nd one down instead.
I understand your grandfather's toast phobia. It's the same reason I won't drink my water at work out of an open cup. I have to have something covered to drink out of.
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