The Repair

BARNYARD - Yesterday the weather has turned unusually warm and a thick fog blanketed the homestead.

With the weather clearing I decided I would take advantage of the warmth and repair a crack that occurred on my cast iron spigot from last weeks cold.

So I inspected the damage.

I cleaned out the crack.

Using my finest china and silverware I mixed the J B Weld.

I smeared it on as even and as bonding as I know how. I ain't no Mic ya know.

Think it will work?

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Ken said...

A dremel tool is not a grinder.
You cleaned it good, but I wished you had been able to "dig" in the "crack" deeper. You'll probably be fine for the rest of the winter.

Hint: for a neat smearing of gooey crap, use duct tape as a masking, lay the JB on thick and then pull the tape before it sets. You can file and grind JB after it sets.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I actually got a fairly good bevel in that crack.

If it doesn't work then I'll have to do the Phrankie method.

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...the question that begs to be answered here is how and why did it crack? There should have been no water in that area to freeze and expand; that is the purpose of that style of spigot.


Reggie Hunnicutt said...

You sir deserve the answer. You see you are correct that water should flow away from this spigot if it is unobstructed. I however after a few cocktails one evening turned off the water with an attached shut off valve and then turned off the pump handle trapping water inside the spigot. User error clearly. I should have opened the shut off valve but didn't.

Ken said...

I would have actually tried to "cut" that crack as deep as I could, the JB Weld would have a deeper chance of working permanently.

Tell you what, if it doesn't hold up, I want to come out and help you do the real repair this spring.

Sigado said...

I have mixed results with JB weld. Toss a coin! I fixed a nail gun once that I gave no chance of working, and it is still in service today. Other fairly no-stress applications failed. There are a lot of variables involved...