A Discovery!

I'm a guy so I am slow but I have made a discovery. I can now discern a womans time of the month remotely via Facebook. This is handy if a guy needs to avoid being broadsided emotionally by any particular woman that he may need to converse with.

Just like watching a quarterback can help determine a play call. Just like I know Gigi is lying with 100% certainty by her mannerisms. Women give out hints in their Facebook posts and comments.

Of course the younger the woman the stronger the radar and eventually it becomes a very faint blip in their 40's and 50's. But isn't that how it is supposed to work?

I'll do more research here and publish my findings later. Men can thank me later.


TerryC said...

When are you going to write your book? You'd make millions!

Rock Chef said...

Are you sure that this isn't some sort of trap?

You will think you have got it worked out only to step on the mother of all land mines?

Don't let them fool you!

terri said...

It was that time I put my husband up for sale on Facebook that gave it away, wasn't it?

Doc said...

This is classic... I need access to your data !

Chris said...

When everything turns into capital letter with plenty of exclamation marks, it's usually not a pretty site.

MELackey said...

my wife isn't on Facebook, so I tend to get blindsided.

Anonymous said...

Would love to hear this. But generally around my house where I'm most concerned with it, I just watch the phase of the moon. Full moons are not fun for me.