I have been deliberately quiet on the blog scenic trying to see if anything can be gained from being more anonymous. It just frustrated me.
Gigi and I plan to head to Southport, NC for a long RV weekend. I plan my wreck dive for Sunday.
I have been reading everything I can about the dive site and experiences but it seems most divers aren’t bloggers or will to share details of the experience.
My biggest concern is diving with sand tiger sharks. I am told that this shark poses no more danger than a barracuda however they do look frightening and are big.
This dive will be my second deepest at 85 feet.
Around home I have been straightening up the garage and inventorying tailgate equipment. I added another two burner Coleman stove top. I would really like to upgrade to one or two chaffing dishes with the roll top.
You'll just have to get some stainless steel shark armor mesh.
Don't be quiet anymore, please. You are one of the few I can count on to post regularly and I look forward to it every day.
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