My chicken (s) finally started laying. I went out yesterday morning to feed only to find one large brown egg sitting on the ground. It was still warm. How cool is that?
I got my check for jury duty for one week of service…$52.
Last night I dreamed that somehow the government requested my service and I was put on a very long flight to an unknown destination. When I arrived it was revealed that I was in Pakistan. I was given an M-16 and one bullet and told to follow the orders of the man I was assigned to.
I asked if it would be possible for me to practice shooting this weapon and he suggested I needed to buy some bullets. Then he told me to hop in the back of his golf cart and hold my weapon high while he drove to find some beer and then check in to the hotel.
I didn’t feel very safe.
Do the eggs have anything on them that has to be washed off? Like when a baby is born they are covered in nasty goo.
No. Just a dry egg. I did wash it though.
$52 for jury duty? Whoo-hoo! It's like winning the lottery.
the last time I went for Jury Duty, I was given a check for $6 on my way out. I stopped at the next little window and paid the $6.50 fee for parking in the "jury garage" next to the courthouse.
...I'm still thinking about my bed outside on the lawn...
pHfrankie it was surreal out there in the yard.
That sounds right on par for the government. "Here's your one bullet. You'll need more, but if you want more, you'll have to pay for them."
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