Setting the Story Straight

Just to being you up to speed read this story

Okay, the Moosehead Bar is my twice a week hangout for lunch. I like this place. It is Charlotte blue collar. 

So my response to the article:

This place is a bar first. It is where working class hangs out and drinks. Food is secondary and the food is good.

It would be classified as a shit hole bar but I like it and I like the owner. It is definitely no where I would take my wife and child. There are few independent bars left like this. Bars like this are common in the Caribbean but rare stateside.

This bar just won three national awards in Buffalo last month for their wings.

The aftermath of Carolina Dallas game and the clientele are drunk. Dallas fans are known to be taunting assholes…it is a fact, along with Philadelphia fans and Atlanta fans. It goes with the NFL.

Now if the guy in question had taken his family to a family place like Buffalo Wild Wings, this conflict might not have happened.

So a guy in a wheel chair with Dallas jerseys appears with his wife and kid and a drunken panther fans stands in the doors and taunts him. The guy taunts back.

No where is the guy shouting that he is military, nor dies he have on military clothes. He is a Dallas asshole in a wheel chair and nothing more. Not unusual for the Moose head clientele. I see physically challenged folks there all the time.    

At this time the bar is understaffed with on guy in the kitchen, one at the bar, and one wait staff.

A few minutes later the owner (who happens to be Navy honorably discharged) arrives to try and keep the peace. The owner calls the police and he identifies the Panther Fan who is a known trouble maker.

He tries to reason with drunks and suggest that the Dallas guy leave until the police arrive. Meanwhile both sides are shouting. He is not telling a veteran marine to leave, just a Dallas fan who by just being a Dallas fan is inciting a riot..

The police arrive, refuse to arrest the Panther asshole, agree that the Dallas asshole should leave and the problem is solved.

NEVER was this about war veterans refusing to be served. It was about avoiding a bar brawl.

There are much better stories on COPS on Saturday night.

The Dallas fan, after the fact chose to go down this path of wheel chair veteran being harassed.  Those that know ain’t buying it.

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Ken said...

This is old news and reminds me of little boys fighting over their sports "heroes". They both should of been thrown out, and that's what bothered me when this story broke.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Just the kind of attitude that would get you an ass whooping at Moosehead.

Lots of folks have asked me recently what I knew about this story so that is why I wrote it.

Heck, they kill people at SF Giants and 49er games.

Ken said...


Rock Chef said...

We get similar stories re-told over here.

There was a local story about our war heroes not being served in bars here. The flip side is that this unit was renowned for the squadies getting blasted and then fighting everyone in sight. Landlords just trying to stop their places getting wrecked!

Unknown said...

Stupid is as stupid does.

Everybody...go home.