Mental Revenge

On a day like today when I have nothing but phone and desk work to I will dress extremely casual at the office. This means I am on an elevator in cargo shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and flip flops with others in suits looking at me as if I am a roach. You can tell they feel superior to me. They feel even more superior when they see me crawl out of a vintage Wrangler Jeep.

I know what most of them do for a living and I make more money or as much as most of them. This is how they measure success.

This is sweet mental revenge.

Don't get me wrong...I keep a suit when I need to navigate their world like a keep a wet suit for cold water.


Rock Chef said...

Love it...

Phfrankie Bondo said...

I like your style, mister.

Ken said...

Your an office maverick.

terri said...

I often wonder what people think of me when I go to the office too. I wear flip flops pretty much daily from May through September. Of course, many of them probably DO make more money than me. But at least I'm comfy all day long.