I Am on the Band Wagon Now

I wanna puke and do a back flips repeatedly when I see these ads. Makes me ashamed to be a Tarheel. Jefferson Airplane and Pink Floyd came out of 1965. And Johnson carpet bombing Vietnam...what about that Andy? He was killing women and children in present time and saving your old decrepit ass 45 years in the future all at once. Time to go wander in the forest Andy.


matshorts said...

From my experience and those around me, the last 3 years my healthcare expenses have gone up, in part to rising healthcare costs and my gov't owned company cutting back on what they cover for employees health costs.

For 2011, I just enrolled and am saving $48 a month over last years' plan. Not everyones costs are going up because of Obamacare.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I haven't seen my bill yet for next year. Right now I pay $1588 a month for the wife and I. Then I have copays for drugs and visits and the emergency room is $1000. I am the employer and employee so I get to pay it all. It has gone up every year because I get older every year and that is the way insurance works. Old farts cost more in general than you whipper snappers. I truly welcome free checkups and cheap prescriptions as long as they don't fleece me. In 11 years I will grab on to the social security nipple and draw long and hard.

Peach Pod said...

As a public teacher (and you know how well we are paid!) I will be paying an additional $78 for my insurance this year which really bites considering that we have not gotten a cost of living increase in over 3 years AND this year they are furloughing us so we are taking a pay DECREASE of about $280 a month!!!

So Reggie, is Andy dead to you now?

Peach Pod said...

Forgot to mention, for the honor of paying an additional $78 dollars a month, I get to have my deductible increased by $500, my co-pay doubled and my dental cut-out. Thanks, Obama.