Mean People

People are too damn aggressive and mean these days when it comes to driving.

When I am coming onto the acceleration lane on an interstate highway it is my full intent to merge into traffic. I will turn on my indicator light or blinker to show my intensions.

This light is not me asking permission to merge it indicates my intension to merge. It is your duty to allow me to merge either in front of you, behind you or beside you if you have room to move over. Be aware and courteous because I am coming over.

This is not a contest or measure of manhood…it is a simple traffic maneuver invented sometime in the fifties by someone in the Eisenhower administration.

My truck is most likely larger and heavier than you car and I am armed if you start going postal so expect return fire. Just let me merge like the driving manual says.


Rock Chef said...

I have been lead to believe that how someone drives reflects their whole attitude to life...

You drive OK - I sometimes feel sorry for others...

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...maybe you need to upgrade to a Hummer with a 50 caliber machine gun mounted on the top...

Rock Chef said...

Nah, haven't you seen the one where the roof opens up and a MINIGUN pops out?

Ken said...

My rule book says, I'm here now traveling at a steady safe speed, your the one looking for a way into my lane, so YOU merge into me (safely please). Adjust your speed accordingly or STOP if necessary.
THAT is what I was taught by my teacher and was in the manual.
Stop if necessary!

MELackey said...

Mickey-T, I assume you to be a nice guy, but I'm going to call you out on that one. If you are driving and make no attempt to help someone merge a little easier without having to come to a stop at the end of the on ramp, you're just being a jerk. Common courtesy would dictate that you move over a lane to the left to create an opening if possible. Remember, you are going a steady speed, the person merging isn't. If you can, speed up a little and create an opening behind you.

Ken said...

@MElackey: I understand the common courtesy of it all but if I'm boxed in and you still try to come in at top speed that makes you the jerk. What pisses me off to no end is how many people get up to speed on the ramp without even looking and then all of a sudden at the end of the ramp they look, see a car and get pissed off. They have plenty of opportunity to look and make a judgment to alter their speed because they are in a single lane free from trucks and other traffic.
When I was a young man the rules were CLEAR, the sign MERGE was for cars entering the highway, not those traveling on it. Don't know when the hell THAT changed but I shoot back too!

wReggie: You better take a picture of your manual for me that says...It is your duty to allow me to merge

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

From the NC handbook....When entering the interstate, use the acceleration lane until your vehicle's speed matches that of the other traffic and then merge safely;

If however there is a driver from WV or TN expect them to challenge you.

So in NC move your ass over, speed up or slow down.

Ken said...

Ha Ha Ha I checked the Masshole Manuel too, same thing. It's your job to merge safely. Of course there will always be opportunities for jerks to show their true colors. We see it everyday out there.
Drive safe, and avoid chickens crossing the road.