
Please don’t say wee around me. It is a word that should be retired. It invokes powdered wigs and knickers. It makes me want to bang my pewter cup on a hand hewn bar top.


Ken said...

Come on....in the wee hours, is still a legitimate thing to say, even today in the world of blog, blogger, twitter, tweet, it still fits right in.

Phfrankie Bondo said...

I like wee. Some things are just wee. Children are wee.And, As Mic said, hours can be wee.

Can't you like wee just a wee bit?...

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Nope....I'm not budging.

terri said...

How 'bout "Wii"? Can we say, "Wii"?

And what if "this little piggy" is hanging out in your truck one day? Are you going to forbid him from saying "Wee wee wee" all the way home?

And I assume we can still say "we", correct? Because "we" is a rather necessary word in general conversation.

Just checking...