More Greedy Changes

It is hard to believe how time moves on by. I feel like I just got settled in my office and we are entertaining another move upstairs to a slightly bigger and better configured office.

It has been 4 years since my last move, no time at all in a wReggie timeline.

I have lived in the same house for 23 years…. Been married 32 years….Had my newest car for 12 years….been in the same line of work for 28 years….

I am a creature of habit and familiarity so moving after just 4 years is unsettling to me, but it is the correct time and place. Strike while the economy is shitty, and take advantage of better rates.

This is turn will save my greedy corporation about $100 a month, to which I can budget some capitalist greedy activity. (insert evil Vincent Price laugh here)  

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Ken said...

Yeah, I'm looking for a new configuration myself. I prefer a much less configured lifestyle.

Unknown said...

I can't configure Ken out. Can you?