Old Stores

Our family-owned and operated market was established in 1866 – making it the oldest store on Hatteras Island. It was founded by Caleb and Alonzo Stowe after they were released from a Yankee prison during the Civil War.

I love old grocery stores. This old Red and White store goes back to The War...the only war that matters in The South.

The store is located across the street from The Marlin Hotel where I'll be staying later this month on Hatteras. 

A place like this, if they sell wine, will often have old bottles stashed away on shelves priced way under the market price. 

Usually they have strange cuts of meat and canned goods that I haven't seen in decades. 

I am looking forward to my visit here. Anyone need some salt pork, coffee and flour?

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Unknown said...

My barrel of salt pork is doin' fine, but I'm gettin' kinda low on moose jerky and spuds.