Some Final Thoughts on the Dive

I got to tell you, I was nervous plunging into an area known for big currents and sharks. I was maybe the 4th guy off the boat. I walked to the back of the boat fully outfitted with fins and heavy steel tanks. I was handed the down line, lest I drift off in the surface current.  

I dropped, made some assessments and signaled that I was okay. The anchor line was tight as a banjo string and it vibrated fiercely. Down I went through waves of baitfish until I could see bottom and the actual anchor.

The lead diver had already run a very visible line down the wreck from the anchor line so we could keep our bearings in case we got turned around on the wreck. I took a compass reading just in case.

Then it hit me….I was alone. This was my first single dive. Yes there were 6 of us, but no one was in sight of any other person. We would cross paths occasionally. The lead diver would check on me now and then because he knew I had the least experience of the 6.

We all had a complete redundant air supply and that is the primary reason for a buddy.

I got to say it all felt weird at first. By the 3rd and last dive I was much more comfortable and came away with more knowledge.

I now have 91 logged dives. 

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Ken said...

The "real guys" and you too! Way to go wReggie! Way to go!