I unloaded 5, 50 pound bags of feed. I loaded and unloaded 10 bales of hay.
I loaded my truck for scuba tomorrow.
I do everything slowly and deliberate and listen to my back.
Yesterday I washed (mostly) my travel trailer.
What used to take an hour takes a morning but I can do it and it makes me feel good.

This is a little hot dog and ice cream stand in Midland where I live. There are a few gasoline stations, a few feed stores, a tire store, a Subway and other small local businesses.
I have lived here 24 years and never eaten here. A new owner took over a year ago and the crowds mob his store now.
I must stop by some time. I hear the hamburgers and hot dogs are old school and the onion rings are to die for.
Sounds like a lot of lifting. It's good that you're listening to your body so you'll know when enough is enough.
I love some good onion rings!
Good job old man!
If there are crowds....
Mortals blow smoke rings.
God blows onion rings.
Go, man.
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