I checked on the wellbeing of the pickled eggs. They are safe and secure.
Meanwhile I am packing for an RV trip starting tomorrow.
I used my handy security cam for the photo above...yup...sure did.
PS- I have never verbalized yup. This is the first time I have ever written yup and I did it three times.
Also, the covered fire pit looks very similar the the landing capsule that I sent to Phfrankie's front yard prior to launch last year, but I assure you that this is a fire pit and not a space probe.
I used that capsule just last weekend for a quick trip to Alpha Centuri but it ran out of gas about seven million miles east of the Sun. Had to stop in at Uranus but it wasn't so bad because I picked up an icy AstroPop while I was there. All good!
They told me Ken was banned from Uranus.
Yesiree Bob, you typed yup! But I haven't heard a thing yet!
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