In the natural order of things I should be traveling to the Virgin Islands today to winter. Alas, I have a job and responsibilities that sustain me and therefore I must stay here.
I can say now that insulated Dickies do rock. My ventures outside in the cold have been less troublesome.
Ever wonder why puppies are so darn cute? You’d kill them otherwise.
And so at 2 AM my brain woke me up to tell me of the hopelessness of winter had arrived via Easter Standard Time.
Having enjoyed an anchovy pizza for supper seemed like a good idea and now my body was calling for a cool refreshing Diet Pepsi.
Then the dogs all lined up at the door to do business. I explained the hour but Tanner insisted.
So I let them all out with instructions to come back soon. I felt sorry for little Galaxy so I donned my Dickies and commenced to hook up her leash when she bolted out the door.
I headed into the dark with a flashlight that throws a beam like in movies. I saw the chickens roosting and a flash of Galaxy. Stubborn bitch.
I saw the horses sleeping. Then Tanner gathered Galaxy in my general direction and she slipped away.
Eventually the trail led me into the neighborhood where I tackled Galaxy in a neighbor’s yard.
I carried her in my arms back to the house remembering why I avoided puppies over mature dogs.
She is such and puppy and that is a good thing.
The insulated shirts are also a part of my winter wardobe.
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