Proper Eggs

He cooks a damn good egg as do I. I do start mine on medium high heat well beaten then immediately into the pan and reduce to medium heat. Never stop stirring. Then thrown in salt and pepper and any sissy stuff you might want. The butter is important. The results are fantastic.

NOTE: This blog is going green. The writer now bathes in Bambu Earth Soap and allows chicken feces to return to the earth naturally. Plus I recycle, I like windmills and puppies. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy without me having to really do anything constructive.


Phfrankie Bondo said...

Isn't it amazing that the way I make scrambled eggs is 100% diametrically oposite of the way he does, and I still think they're delicious....

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Then sir you are scalding eggs and a lot of people eat them this way.