Da Weekend

The weekend was filled with chores and watching the Masters.

The usual yard work and animal care also included the yearly Jeep detailing and a lot of cooking. Friday I grilled salmon and tuna, Saturday and spun a chicken on the grill, and Sunday I gave a shot at homemade pizza. It was all good.

This year I have painted the overhead basket on the Jeep battleship gray. I’ll post a picture when it is remounted.   

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Rock Chef said...

The pizza looks great! What is the topping?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I did some fresh onions, green peppers and mushrooms.

Rock Chef said...

Ah, it was the slices of mushroom that had me confused! I wondered if it was some sort of meat!

Unknown said...

The crust looks fan-diddly-dang-dong-tastic!

terri said...

Mmm... Home made pizza. Was it as good as Rock Chef's sounded?