Happy 50th Dody

Happy 50th birthday to my childhood pet Dody. She was a Border Collie mix.

Dody was my constant companion for 16 years. She followed me everywhere I went, playing, and school, everywhere.

Dody and my father were best of friends when I wasn’t around.

I got her at age five after my father felt sorry for me for trying to get my cat to act like a dog. We parted when I went off to college.

Dody was another great role model in my life. 

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Judy said...

Awwww. I loved our Doty. She was the first really "good dog" I ever knew. She was smart and obeyed if she was able to understand what you wanted from her. I always remember if Mama or Daddy let her out real early in the morning they would say "don't bark" and she wouldn't. Otherwise she greeted out doors with a loud bark.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Yeah Dody did have that signature "hello world!" bark unless she was instructed otherwise.

I still have the sketch of Dody you did Judy. The one that was on Daddy's desk so many years.

Ken said...

Lost love!

Rock Chef said...

Love the photo, a great pair of ears!

terri said...

She was so very cute too! Clearly you were very close to her. And you've gone on to allow other dogs to hold a place in your heart. This is something I've not yet reconciled myself. I keep wanting for another dog, but can't seem to bring myself to "replace" Shelby yet. I'm getting close though!