
I am preparing for Lent and have given thought to what I will give up during this season as a personal sacrifice.

Rooster from Sweet Home St Croix
It needs to be something that I depend on daily….almost a second nature in order to be meaningful.

It needs to be something that will make me pause and reflect when the urges come as I know they will.

I have decided to give up the song, Sweet Home Alabama, for the 40 days of Lent, so that on Easter Morning, I can rejoice and appreciate a song of love for ones homeland even more. 

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Ken said...

Good choice, Phfrankie will approve.

Me, I'll give up Jingle Bells (I really do sing it in my head every day).

Unknown said...

Oh, yes. I can see it now: Easter morning, right at dawn, you standing naked, arms outstretched, Bic lighter in hand, on top of your chicken coop, serenading the world at the top of your lungs.


Turn it up!!

Rock Chef said...

What will you do? Listen to Neil Young instead? :-)

terri said...

You goofball! :-)