My World Changed Overnight

This is my iPad Home page.

Notice the bottom row and two new icons have made it to this coveted piece of iPad real estate. Two in one night.

You see Google released Google Talk for the iPad....I can send and receive calls from my iPad. Free! It is called Talkatone.

And Google released their official Gmail App a few days ago and it is far superior to the native app. Free!

And get this.....last night while I was sleeping...Google maps was released for the iPhone.

And this added to the google search app where I can talk to the tablet and get what I need is da bomb.


Rock Chef said...

Very nice to get free stuff like that!

Ken said...

It's still stuff, it just takes up way less space.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

It is a window to the world Ken. And these apps get me there faster and more vividly.

Ken said...

I know of the window, I'd still rather go through the door.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Working on a door size ipad just now.

Unknown said... beans, mon Capitan!