I think you should copyright, trademark, and patent this formula. Its more or less the same one used by the majority of the lesser-technologically-challenged to assist the more-technologically-challenged, but I'm not sure anyone else has explained it quite so succinctly.
If you need an agent, I'm your man... for a percent of royalties, of course.
Border Collie guy, Wine guy, Weber grill guy, Manned Space Travel Guy, Believer, Gentleman Farmer, Go Apps! guy, Husband to the best wife. I'm a lucky guy.
I think you should copyright, trademark, and patent this formula. Its more or less the same one used by the majority of the lesser-technologically-challenged to assist the more-technologically-challenged, but I'm not sure anyone else has explained it quite so succinctly.
If you need an agent, I'm your man... for a percent of royalties, of course.
That's how I roll!
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