Is This Cheating?

I plan to hit the island running in September. You all know know that I am all about my comfort and I have established the fact I have a big head. Add the fact that I love to swim and snorkel and you created a conflict of dragging a big blunt head in water. This would slow anyone down.

What is the solution?

Check out these Aqua man fins. Between these and my foot fins I should be parting the water like a sperm whale.


TerryC said...

You've GOT to be kidding. (I'm shaking my head and rolling my eyes)

Ken said...

You crack me up Wreggie!!!!

Stacy said...

wow those look pretty gay

terri said...

Those are cool. You can be the new Aqua-Man and be one of the Super-Friends.

Chris said...

If you wear those, I'm pretty sure that I can also lend you my dad's "shark knife" that he bought in Florida.
Complete with a leg harness, it's guaranteed to get all the chicks.

P.S. The blade was about 4" long, and my dad actually wore it when he snorkelled. The locals thought he was "special".

Anonymous said...


Perfect way to describe this post Chris :)

Randi said...

This looks like what Spiderman would wear when he scales up the sides of buildings. Does it have a secret compartment in the gloves where it shoots webs or nets at the offending water predators? I bet you had to pay extra for that feature.