
Insolvency means the inability to pay one's debts as they fall due.

Tuesday night I lost my wallet and I became insolvent two hours from home.  

I had no money and no way of getting money. Plus my identity and credit lines were at risk.

I spend a few hours on the phone cancelling debut and credit cards. Then I headed home and passed on the Masters.

In a few hours I had a temporary card and some cash from my familiar home town bank.

Then I could afford a new wallet.

I did not like the experience.

Fortunately, I have a scanned copy of my drivers’ license on my iPad. 

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Ken said...

A fifty or a hundred stashed under the carpet of the truck can be a life saver.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Lock your door next visit.

Ken said...

But you won't know exactly where.

Unknown said...

Here's how I see it: You steal Ken's secret stash, come see me, and we'll have whiskey and cigars and listen to Sweet Home Alabama all night long.