People that wait 7 days to respond to an email bug me. Just stay offline if you can’t do better than that.
A person that doesn’t acknowledge an email that has a matter that needs acknowledgement bugs me.
Long quiet pauses on the phone are awkward. Don’t do it. If you brain works that slow make some notes.
...just so ya know: I commented here approx. three seconds after reading the post. Whaddayathinkamenow?...
I'll mark you off the slow list Phfrankie.
Notes? But then you have to wait while they read the notes, which are probably written quickly and are therefore unreadable!
"Ask Wedgy about Scooby Doo...? Eh? Wha..."
Duly noted sir!
Wicked impatience has a stronghold over me (or as we like to say in the deep south, I am eat up with impatience), so I totally understand your annoyance :)
What if the guy is on vacation?
What if he was kidnapped?
What if he got paper cuts on ALL his fingers?
Just saying.
I have a theory. I think the people who like to do those long ANNOYING pauses are trying to manipulate you into saying something b/c the pause is aukward and I USED TO catch myself always filling in that gap...usually with what THEY wanted to hear...THEN I caught on and now I realize that is what it is and it becomes somewhat of a game to me and I wait and see who'll outlast the other one. I win those now.
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