Spill Cheeker

I am a lousy speller so I rely on spell check more than most. I type out the sentence and red lines appear and then go back and correct whatever spell check caught.

What is strange is I then attempt to repair the word using as many letters as possible that I have already typed….like I am trying not to waste letters already on the page. It is wasteful in my mind to discard a typed word when it can be salvaged.


Ken said...

Me too!

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...get over it...both o' youse!...

terri said...

I pride myself on my spelling. I love when I write a blog post and run the spell check and a message pops up, "No spelling errors found."

TerryC said...

Isn't it easier just to right click on the misspelled word and get your options, then pick the appropriate word?

It saves re-typing. Oh, but then you do lose some letters sometimes.....

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

No, I think it a waste just to cast off a word when it can be saved. I have a whole box full of unused letters beside my computer.

TerryC said...

Soon they will fill up your garage.....

So sad.....