Upcoming Vacation

Swallow a toad in the morning and you will encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of the day. --Nicolas de Chamfort

As you know I am not really one to talk up a vacation so it may come as a surprise to you that in two weeks I head off to Jekyll Island for 10 days of fun.

We’ll take the RV and Origami II and this year I’ll take along the dive equipment just in case I can go offshore to a decent dive site. Of course we will take the tandem bike to ride the miles and miles of trails.

I stay in the exact same place in the Jekyll Island Campground each year. The entire campground is covered in a thick canopy of trees with one little opening there where I can pull in a Direct TV signal. So I reserve that spot on year in advance.

I also take along a 4000 watt generator because Jekyll Island has numerous power outages especially during the afternoon thunderstorms. It gets might stuffy in an RV with no power and temps in the 90’s with dew points in the 70’s. So I’m kicking back all cool watching TV while the rest of the world suffers with outages.

Never fear…I will continue to blog because while I will be in the wilderness the campground is completely wifi.


Rock Chef said...

You should write a guide book to vacationing... I am sure that many would benefit from your wisdom.

terri said...

That is MY kind of vacation! I'm looking forward to tales of this year's adventures.

Mike Sullivan said...

Try Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary. Roughly 20 miles off of Sapelo Island.
