Live Web Cams

I love a webcam, especially ones that unfold a familiar scene.

I am always looking at the Harbor Cam on St Croix. I see friends, nice weather and daily activities of the downtown boardwalk.

Over the years I have set up several web cams myself. I had a live cam at my desk for years before I eventually took it down.


In 2009 I set up the only remote cam I have done on the Island of St Croix. It is the Pickled Greek Cam and it is still running.

This cam runs on an old PC I had in my office and a inexpensive Logitech web cam. Along with the afore mentioned,  I use a simple script to refresh the picture. 

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Unknown said...

I feel that a Screened Porch Cam is in order.

What say you?


Ken said...

The Screen Cave cam!

terri said...

Yes, Install a Screened Porch Cam!