Traveling Day

It was just one of those days.

First I picked up Abby’s ashes and was planning to go to the CPA to pick up my corporate taxes. But the taxes weren’t done so I moved that to the afternoon.

They guy that does animal cremations is so reverent towards every animal we send him. The ashes come back in a nice wooden urn. He always has a nice note.

So Abby is home again.

I realized mid morning that my Jeep’s tag was about to expire….today. That means I needed an inspection and then go to the DMV.

But first I went to the laundry to drop off a 30 pound duffle of laundry.

Then I went back the office to sign a few things, and back out of town to pick up the now ready taxes.

Back in town I write a check and file my taxes and head to the mechanic to get a safety inspection.

I stopped at a handy bar next door and watch some of the NCAA tournament.

By now it is 5:30 and I will have to the new tag renewal tomorrow. 

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Ken said...

Then a nice relaxing front seat to hear a local redneck shootout across the street... would be a not so good fitting end to the day huh?

terri said...

I'm glad Abby is home again.

We have Shelby and Holly in specially made wooden boxes. The vet made their paw prints too. They stay on a ledge in my bedroom.

Unknown said...

Didja have some "suds"?