Self Entertainment

When your team sucks as bad as our does, one has to find ways to entertain themselves beyond the few hundreds dollars wasted on tickets and Panther paraphernalia.    

 So I decided to pick myself out of the crowd from the official panorama shot of the year.
 Here is my section.
And there I am with a fat guy that was actually sitting behind me. Somehow he floated his fat self to my left in this picture. 
This was last Sunday before the reality of how bad we are kicked in. 

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Rock Chef said...

Well at least I hope they aren't going broke like a lot of out soccer teams are.

Funny story here - a team that is in deep trouble for non payment of tax was playing an away match. At half time the announcer plays a Beatles song - "Taxman". His sense of humour got him fired!

Unknown said...

Dude is a Denver phfan!