The Great Void *

The great void continues here. The weather is winter even though the calendar says spring.

Work is a grind. It consists of a giant paper shuffle initiated by the feds and state, in order to determine the amount of blood you must let. I am a part of that shuffle encouraged along by ultimate threat of violent force and imprisonment.   

College Basketball is no relief as I am a casual fan. Baseball gets me closer and so does golf. But it is hard to have your heart in warm weather sports when it is so cold.

On a bright not I ordered 12 spring chicks that will be delivered April 15th. The existing flocks are mostly yard birds and have stopped laying with any regularity. I loose about one bird a week from predators and I am down to 10 useless albeit entertaining hens.  

* The Great Void is term coined by Phfrankie Bondo. While his Great Void has ended....mine continues.

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Unknown said...

Great Void usage fee:

Fifty dollars, US, or else gold dabloons from the bottom of the quarry, inside of a treasure chest, in the false bottom thereof.

Ken said...

What's $50 worth of chicks look like?