Then I came home and cut the grass. It is looking pretty darn good I must say.

Then it was time to settle in for some college basketball and a few beers.

Some wings would go well with his so I whooped up a batch of wings. Man they were tasty.

Then I kicked off my shoes and Cedie joined me in the screen room to peck corn and watch the game. (Pecking corn is when I pretend to be awake and my head falls. I recover, then nod off again and my head drops again over and over in a slow motion corn pecking action. Pecking corn is one of my favorite activities.)

The following day was just as busy. Toward late afternoon I decided to make Scuba Sliders.

Caramelized onions in garlic and garlic oil, sliced pickles, 2 ounce beef patty, toasted bun, and a squirt of ball park mustard. Pure heaven.
I call them scuba sliders because I am the boss of this blog and I can call them whatever I want to.
You should rest this week.
Excellent blogging, sir.
I feel as though I know you now.
Not in the biblical sense.
Just pals.
Carry on.
Weekends at your house always seem to be fun, with lots of good food to enjoy. That's the way weekends should be.
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