I hit the floor at 4:30 AM. Partially because of excitement and partially because of the last mintute todo list that kept running in my head.
RVing takes more effort than just throwing some clothes in a bag with a toilet kit.
I've had several system failures since last summer that had to be addressed. The main valve on the water heater had to be replaced if I wanted hot water and I do. The 12 volt system main circuit board was bad mainly I suspect from the crappy electrical service in Southport last season. And finally I discovered a bad propane regulator that would have shut down my entire propane system if it wasn't replaced.
I hooked up the RV to the truck last night and packed all the heavy stuff in the bed of the truck. I have a full tank of fuel, reserve diesel, eight good tires at maximum PSI air pressure, and freshly serviced motors (Jeep, truck, generator, outboard). Can you say carbon foot print?
Now I'll spend 6 and a half hours on an interstate highway praying that all the tires hold together and my aged diesel keeps on keeping on to make it to the island. Nothing worse than a blow out or breakdown while traveling and I have experienced both.
Once there I'll spend the next few hours setting up in a drenching sweat.
But somehow it is all fun.
Oh, one other ting...it's goat water Friday!
Hope the road trip to your destination is blissfully uneventful. I know you'll have a GREAT time once you're there and in full vacation mode.
I've been reading you for a long time and maybe I'm just tired and still in an early morning fog, but... what the hell is goat water Friday?
Hope the tyres hold out!
I have only been in a car that had a blow out once - and that was one time too many!
Every Friday in St Croix they cook this fantastic goat stew called goat water. It is so popular that one needs to be there at the gas station kitchen early in the morning to put in for a pint.
Needless to say I'm in line early when I am down there. Usually I'm the only white tourist in line.
It is a very hearty meat stew with unusual spices like clove. They throw in a few johnny cakes and I buy some smoked herring with rice and spinach to go along with the goat water.
I love it.
We'll see you in about 11 hours!!!
And I fully expect a shit story on your way down, sorry Wreg, but I look forward to those!
May your road trip be filled with....
Fair winds and following seas.
Or should that be...
Fair combustion and no following police.
I'm psychic....
I predict TWO blowouts, and I see a laceration as well.....
Have fun.:)
Oh yeah, there's shit stories on the way. Your horoscopes (you get two, being on the cusp!) in the Cruzan Trader have this to say this week:
Cancer: Expect the unexpected Wednesday, as Uranus goes retrograde.
Gemini: ...Uranus goes retrograde this Wednesday. Look back and notice what you've accomplished!
Better keep your eye on the rear-view mirror. ;-)
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