It Had to Happen

Where to begin......long story short.

Yesterday we took a trip to Buck Island on a friends 44 foot sail boat.

We loaded the boat with scuba tanks, beer, soft drinks and food.

We powered over and circumnavigated the island before anchoring on the west end. Two long dives later we headed back to port under power.

The marina slip was tight and we all had our jobs at docking. I had the job of securing the line on the port side. When my time came to perform I stepped off the boat and missed the dock entirely, landing in the water unharmed.

Later unloading the boat I fell down a few stairs down below and managed to bang myself up pretty good.

This morning I have a sore body, cuts and bruises but fortunately I am okay to have my last two dives.

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Ken said...

To much fun always leads to bruises.

Phfrankie Bondo said...

I'll bet I could do that.

terri said...

At least you injured yourself doing something fun and exciting. I cut up and bruised my entire left leg from calf to thigh. ... I fell off the bed while trying to hang a window valance and my leg fell between the bed and a nightstand. The corner of the nightstand gave me a nice long cut!