Lessons From a Beach Bar

In St Croix like all islands, fresh water is a scare commodity.  Water is collected from rain and stored in giant pools under homes. If it doesn’t rain regularly then you can run out of water.

So I notice clever ways water is used and reused before it is discarded. People frequently use gray water (wash water) again to water plants.

While sitting at a beach bar last week dining on ox tails and potatoes and boiled peanuts I noticed a small pipe leading to a large collection basin. The water was coming from an air conditioner’s condensation and was being collected to water dogs and was sandy feet. It was cold and clear and felt so refreshing.  

Today I set up a basin in my yard near the AC discharges pipe for the birds and neighborhood dogs to have a constant source of cold fresh water in the summer.

Why….I think this may be the greatest discovery since grated cold butter. 

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Phfrankie Bondo said...

If I had an air conditioning unit I, too, would do as you have done, for I have learned to always do as the "Leonardo DaVinci of the American South" does...