How Is Your Monday So Far?

I should have known what kind of day it was going to be when I about swallowed a fly first thing this morning.

I was sitting in the morning dark reading the Wall Street Journal sipping my coffee and swatting at a pesky fly. It was a sick old fly, the type that flies very slow and lands on your face.

The fly was about to die of old age and had already lost many of his fly skills.

Apparently one of my swats hit pay dirt and the fly fell to a watery death in my coffee. I took a nonchalant sip and noticed a chunk of something passing my lips.

It is amazing just how fast your brain can process information when called upon in an emergency.

First thing my brain said is, “Something is abnormal in the coffee quick shut down the throat. Hey, I’ll be it was that fly, quick spit it out. Don’t spit it in the sink or you will see the fly and start gagging. Spit in the garbage can. Remain calm, don’t gag.”

The emergency passed and I didn’t mention the incident to anyone.


Judy said...

Oh, that is gross!!!
I had a fly in my Chardonay one time. Luckily he didn't get much.

Kuckie said...

Oh, man...I hate it when that happens! I almost swallowed some sort of bug the other day when we were out on our friend's boat. I about gagged!

Michael said...

"...and I didn’t mention the incident to anyone."

Until now. I've made it a habit to try checking inside my travel mug before pouring a cup to go in it. Once, when pulling it out of the drawer, a cockroach crawled outta the little sippy hole. Eeeeeeeewwwww.

Jay said...

I had a similar incident first thing this morning too. I had both windows down on the car as I back out and a big red wasp drifted in through the drivers window. I gave him a little swat (while screaming like a little girl) and he flew out the passenger window. Whew! Close call.

Ken said...

Just yesterday I saw a wee spider crawl into my freshly opened cold can of beer. I couldn't go in after him, so I gave him a minute to come out. My brain said, "such a wee spider" and I took the gulp I wanted with the thought that it's just a little extra protien.

Teresa said...

A mosquito flew up my nose on Saturday. By the time I got to a kleenex...he was already up too high. I was grossed out beyond belief!

Anonymous said...

While different it is kind of the same. I had a friend who put his shoes on in the morning and had that slight discomfort your socks sometimes give you when sock lint gets balled up in there. He was in a hurry so he ran out real quick. Once he had a monent at work he decided to get rid up this discomfort and took his shoe off. Low and behond it was no lint ball, it was a tiny little tree frog.

mr zig said...

a fly a could live with - but a cockroach? a tree frog? a spider? - nope! Oh man - I'll be checking my coffee cup all day!

TerryC said...

This reminds me of a story about an American in Africa....

S/he orders a beer in a bar. There is a fly in it. S/he is disgusted and asks for another beer.

A while after s/he's been living there, it happens again. S/he picks the fly out of the glass and drinks the beer.

Many moons later, when served a beer with a fly in it, s/he drinks it all down. One can always use the extra protein.