I'm a Salty Dog

Please call me Wreggie Magellan. Today I took Origami II and circumnavigated Jekyll Island, Ga.

The island is 7 miles long and is 18 miles around via the coastline.

I left at the marked spot on the map around 11:15 this morning and headed south toward the ocean. The sea was very calm with waves about 1 foot. I decided to cruise about 600 yards offshore as I rounded the point and headed north.

The weather was perfect for getting the long ocean leg done and it seemed like the smart thing to do.

As I approached the north end I got a series of business calls that kept me idling for 20 minutes while I took advantage of the cell tower.

Then I entered the narrow cut south back to my starting point.

In the ocean I saw a huge adult turtle surface for air. In the marsh cut I saw three pink flamingos. Last year I saw one pink flamingo and everyone thought I was crazy. Now I have seen four.

After about 2 ½ hours I was back at my starting point and I called Gigi to pick me up.

I still have some trim issues at full throttle. Once I plane out I have to throttle back to maintain stability.

I guess I averaged about ½ throttle for most of the trip and burned 3 quarts of gasoline. This motor gets incredible mileage.

The trip was worth the effort.

Tomorrow or maybe the 4th I would like to travel to St Simons Island from Jekyll and dock.


Anonymous said...

That sounds amazing! Maybe that's the kind of boat I need. You don't have to trailer that one, right? I can't haul a trailer much less even back one up.

Did you get any photos?

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

That's right Terri, no trailer.

You can unfold it at your destination. My is put together now and rides in the bed of the truck for the duration of the vacation. Then I will fold it back up and store it away.

One person can pick it up while it is folded but it takes two when it is unfolded.

I simply set it in the water, load cushions and vests, attach the motor and go.

The same question Gigi asked and the answer is no. I didn't take a single picture.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding! Wish I had been there to make the voyage but with me in the boat it woulda taken 3 times the amount of time!!!

How is the shrimpin coming? Time to leave your job and become a shrimp boat captian like Lt Dan yet?

Anonymous said...

Good for you on your first circumnavigation.

new you would do something like that eventually, thats why I wanted you to have a proper anchor.
How long is your anchor line?

The motor might be a little to powerful for that light of a boat if you can't control it at high speed. Stay safe!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Micky the line is 50 feet. Most of my anchor sites are fairly shallow.

I am beginning to think the same about the motor with one person aboard.

Jay...no, I've just been casting a bit as practice.

Ken said...

50' is good only for about 10' of water. That's a 5-1 scope. You need to be ready in case you get caught in a blow, because some day, you will. If your engine decides to die [like they do], and you happen to be on the outside of an island [like you were], and one of those quicky storms comes a rolling in blowing offshore, you and that anchor will be headed to sea.
If your in a landlocked body of water, fine. Open water, 150' is way better. Coast Gaurd requires 200' If you do venture out in open water with that tiny little boat, throw an extra line in the bottom of your boat.
Play Safe!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I'll toss another line in now. Thanks Micky.

MELackey said...

I wonder if it would help your trim issue to get one of these tiller extention handles (Cabelas.com and enter item # IJ012535) That would help you move your weight a little farther forward to get a little more of the boat in the water to help you control it.

MELackey said...

Since you are partial to West Marine, I'd bet they have one also... (or maybe another idea...)

none said...

That's the kind of boating I could get into! Sounds great.