I would be remiss if I didn’t update my readers on dirt removal in the Wreggie household.
We finally diagnosed the problem with the Roomba and no it wasn’t the fact that my mother in law tried to weigh herself on it. It seems the battery died prematurely and Roomba or Irobot will replace it free.
I miss that thing making daily rounds cleaning up after me. Plus with RV season coming up I need a full time robot cleaning behind the dogs. It is a big help.
We have finally bitten the bullet and purchased a Dyson vacuum. It is a Cadillac pet hair machine. I’ll believe it when I see it. It will have its work cut out for it for sure.
The shop vac is fine…thanks for asking.
...here's the deal: one has to learn to not just tolerate but LOVE dog hair if one is to be a dog owner and love one's dog. If there is any one true thing in life it is that if you have a dog you are going to have dog hair. Celebrate it! Revel in it! If you have no dog hair then you have no dog. Make a pillow! Make a rope! Use it for kindling!...
..oh, and how's your shop vac?...
Love my dogs...all 5 of the hairy beasts. Problem that has developed is I get wheezy, allergic to the dog hair. Childhood crap is coming back to my lungs. Never the less the dogs stay and I am about to surge in the dog hair war.
The shop vac says hey.
We get half a dog worth of fur every week off the floor, dry mop and vacuum.
So you must get two and a half full dogs worth.
You'll have to let us know how much you love or don't love the Dyson, because I have a years long love affair going on with my Kirby and I don't believe there's anything better out there.
But maybe there is.
Kirby is kind of heavy and difficult to lug up and down the stairs. But he has a transmission to make him easy to maneuver. How can you not love a vacuum with a transmission?
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