Just Down the Beach

Just down the beach from Off The Wall is Spratnet Beach Bar also at Cane Bay. Same hills in the background. Cold drinks and good food. I drank a delicious Bushwhacker there last winter after driving to the tidal pools. The drive actually took us up high in those hills over 600 feet on the GPS.


Phfrankie Bondo said...

...actually, that's my cabana...

Judy said...

Have you shared your blog address with Steve?

terri said...


Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Yes I have Judy.

Terri it is an almost chocolate milkshake with rum.

Michael said...

It tastes like a chocolate milk-shake with rum, but when made correctly, is entirely alcohol, no mixers. Though some bartenders garnish the glass with chocolate syrup swirls.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

One will do ya.