Bugs Under My Rock

It is kind of strange that recently I have picked up a solid dozen new readers of my blog when the trend for personal blogs is so 2008.

I know all of them. They read and never comment. Occasionally they will call me about a post. They tend to be more vocal in their opinion but never take the time to write.

And they remember stuff I write and recall it back to me.

What most of them have in common is they want to remain anonymous and unseen. But they love to pry up my rock and look for bugs.

That's all fine by me. For some reason I gotta be out there and they don’t.

Thanks for stopping by.

© 2010 wReggie’s I’m Always Mentally on Vacation. These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to you when you view, access or otherwise use the blog located at www.wreggie.com (the “blog”). Terms and Conditions can be found at http://reghunnicutt.com/terms.html.


Ken said...

"There might be bugs on some of you mugs...
but there ain't no bugs on me"

Phfrankie Bondo said...

You're retro-chic!....

Sigado said...

Sorry no comments for while. Had some trouble with the security. Its easier to log into my bank than comment here! I read because you are a good writer, intelligent, honest, and often humorous. Look for more comments now that I fixed it. You also inspired me to start my own blog!