A Dive Anyone?

Today is 12-11-10 in American circles. I know you Europeans mix it up a bit on dates.

Also today I continue training for operation Grey Goose. I will do some classroom and three quarry dives to get certified in using a dry scuba suit. Diving dry takes away the chill and I have discovered cold water diving as fun as warm water as long as I stay warm.

Plus visibility in these parts is far better after the algae dies off and the water settles from fewer divers stirring up the water.

Why doesn’t everyone do it? Well they don’t rent dry suits and they are expensive to buy compared to wet suits. So most folks opt for the return of summer and hang up the fins in the winter.

I have tentatively pencilled in Operation Grey Goose for January 23, 2011. Operation Grey Goose will be a dive in the waters of Smith Mountain Lake with two other divers to recover a bottle of Grey Goose that went down when my brother in law’s boat sank in 2005.

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Ken said...

Maybe surface crew if I get the gumption.