This Is How it Went Down

With great fanfare my Weber Rotisserie arrived and I headed home mid afternoon to set it up. On the way I picked up a rather large chicken at 6 pounds.

The chicken was moist and delicious. It took about 2 hours and rested 20 minutes.

The addition was typical Weber style…sturdy and simple.

I consulted the culinary experts at Bondo University in California for some mid cooking coaching. Weber directions called for the dome to be on but we concluded that it was too hot and we risked a dry chicken. The dome was removed and the chicken saved.

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Ken said...

...and such a pretty blue bonnet.

Looks fabulously delicious.

terri said...

Congratulations on a successful spinny chicken. I'm hungry for chicken now and it's only 7:30 am.

Phfrankie Bondo said...

I'm with terri...

Lu' said...

That is one beautiful bird! The cut chicken on the plate, very nicely done.